Tranlations More than 40 languages
Translation is a written transfer of a text from one language to another language. Our company specialises in technical translations.
In our translations, in addition to maintaining the content fidelity, we also preserve the visual aspect of the original documents (size of headings and fonts, pictures, tables, page layout...).
We use CAT (computer aided translation) software that significantly aids in preserving the consistency of translations, especially in case of a long-term cooperation and large files that are processed by several translators.
We often need to consult the text with the author of the text. This does not mean that we are not competent; on the contrary, we strive for the best possible quality of the final translation.
Texts to be translated may be delivered personally in written or electronic form or – preferably – by e-mail (). We aim to suit the customer in terms of delivery by offering a variety of possibilities.
The price of the translation depends on the language and the topic of the text. Based on more specific information from the customer about the required translation, we will be glad to offer a unit price (i.e. price per standard page (1800 characters including spaces), per word, or in other units as applicable for you), or a total price for translation of the text, as the case may be.